Are Low-Cost PEMF Devices Safe and Effective to Treat Your Low Back Pain

Are Low-Cost PEMF Devices Safe and Effective to Treat Your Low Back Pain

Using a low-cost PEMF device is a safe and effective method to relieve low back pain (LBP). In this article, we will elaborate on this fact.

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common health problems that bring you to your doctor’s office. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), out of 1.71 billion people worldwide having musculoskeletal problems, almost 568 million people have low back pain (LBP). And more than 80% of the world’s population experiences low back pain (LBP) once in their lifetime.

Using a low-cost PEMF device is a safe and effective method to relieve low back pain (LBP). In this article, we will elaborate on this fact.

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common health problems that bring you to your doctor’s office. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), out of 1.71 billion people worldwide having musculoskeletal problems, almost 568 million people have low back pain (LBP). And more than 80% of the world’s population experiences low back pain (LBP) once in their lifetime.


What is Low Back Pain (LBP)?

Low back pain (LBP) is a painful sensation, stiffness, or muscle tension between your lower rib margins and the buttock creases. It can present from a dull ache to a shooting sensation. Low back pain (LBP) affects you badly.

  • According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience.
  • Being the most common cause of job-related disability, low back pain (LBP) puts a socioeconomic burden on you. And the psychological distress affects your quality of life.


What is Low-Cost PEMF Device?

PEMF stands for the pulsed electromagnetic field. Recent advancements and clinical trials in bio-magnetic technology have introduced Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy as a good option to relieve low back pain (LBP) and an excellent alternative to the medications.

  • Low-Cost PEMF Device is a non-invasive biomagnetic device that is safe and effective in patients with low back pain (LBP). The FDA approved it to be clinically used for joint pain, tissue pain, broken bone fusion, etc.


How does a Low-Cost PEMF Device work?

The low-cost PEMF device uses electromagnetic modality to generate a magnetic field and targets the body at a cellular level.

  • These magnetic fields pass through the injured sites of the body to facilitate healing.
  • The magnetic fields produced by the Low-cost PEMF device enhance the blood flow to the body’s wounded tissues and helps increase the flow of electrolytes and ions.
  • The process results in increased oxygen flow to the injured site, relieving pain, swelling, and inflammation


Why use Low-Cost PEMF Device for Low Back Pain?

Clinicians recommend using a low-cost PEMF device for your low back pain. Following are the main reasons to use it.

  • A low-cost PEMF device is non-invasive and doesn’t penetrate your body.
  • Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devices are an effective, affordable, and comfortable pain solution compared to the conventional low back pain (LBP) treatment modalities. Such as weeks-long bed rest, physiotherapy sessions, exercises, and long-term drugs like NSAIDs, steroids, and opioids.
  • Low-cost Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devices have improved the quality of life in much low back pain (LBP) patients by minimizing the long-term use of drugs.
  • Pharmacological treatment options are effective for a short duration only. Extensive and chronic use of pain-relieving drugs produces dependence, toxicity, and side effects.
  • The pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) acts at a cellular level to provide cellular regeneration effects. Rather than providing symptomatic relief, the best PEMF device heals the damaged tissues. Along with pain, it subsides inflammation and edema.

Is Low-Cost PEMF Device Safe?

Yes, it is safe. The low-cost PEMF devices are the best PEMF devices that offer an impeccable safety record in relieving low back pain (LBP). A series of clinical trials prove this fact.

  • A clinical trial conducted on the Safety and Efficacy of an Electromagnetic Field Device for the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain has concluded that the PEMF therapy is effective in treating chronic LBP with no serious adverse effects thought to be related to the device, treatment, or protocol.


DCcure – Low Cost and the Best Pain Relief Device

DCcure is the best PEMF device. It is an FDA Class 1 listed low-cost pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapeutic device. It is effective, affordable, safe, and easy to use. You can easily apply it to your most painful areas. It’s an excellent choice for those looking to get started with the best PEMF device at the lowest possible price. A low-cost PEMF device like DCcure is the clinician’s choice and recommendation because of its safety.

A clinical study was conducted on 42 patients aged 18-75 years in 2019. The trial has proven that this device is effective and safe for low back pain (LBP) patients.


  • A Randomized Controlled clinical trial was conducted by Anthony J Lisi et al. in 2019 under the title “A Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Device for Non-Specific Low Back Pain.” The PEMF device used in the study was “MDcure®, Aerotel Ltd., Holon, Israel, and Aerotel Inc. USA, New York, NY, USA.” This study concluded that the device is safe and improves non-specific low back pain (NLBP). It has not shown any adverse or severe effects.[9]

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