Aerotel Clinically proven backpain relief

Aerotel USA, Inc.

Aerotel Ltd. was founded in 1985. It sells its medical and therapeutic devices in the U.S, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Aerotel USA, Inc., responsible for the
distribution and sales of DCcure in the U.S., is headquartered on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Aerotel develops, designs, and manufactures safe, low-intensity, non-invasive Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapeutic devices using a unique, patented feature. This feature allows its products to deliver therapy deep into the body.

Aerotel’s Medical Systems Division, a sister company, is a leading manufacturer of telemedicine and telecare solutions sold throughout the world. It is a leader in providing cost-effective, high-quality, user-friendly, medical monitoring systems and a past recipient of Frost & Sullivan’s Patient Monitoring Company of the Year and Innovation and Growth Strategy Leadership of the Year awards. 

Aerotel USA, Inc. is a proud corporate member of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).

PEMF Technology Explained

pemf technology explained
Clinical researcher DCcure an affordable pemf device

Aerotel's Pilot Study

Aerotel completed a successful, double-blind clinical pilot study at the University of Bridgeport School of Chiropractic (UBSC) under principal investigator Anthony J. Lisi, D.C. In 2017, Dr. Lisi was named ACA Chiropractor of the Year.

When outcomes were measured post- versus pre-application using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), considered the gold standard of LBP functional measurement tools, participants using our technology saw a 3 times improvement in ODI scores compared to participants using a sham device.* 

Our study was peer reviewed and published in Pain and Therapy (June 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 133-140). It was presented at the Association of Chiropractic College’s Research Agenda Conference (AAC/RAC) in March 2019. 

For an open-access (free) copy of the report, please click on: 

* The UBSC/Aerotel study used the MDcure® version of our device which has been discontinued and replaced by DCcure, an improved version with new features and benefits.

Place the therapeutic pad over pain area

DCcure’s performance characteristics

DCcure is preprogrammed to transmit sets of PEMF intensities at different frequencies. It generates a wide and precise frequency spectrum from 1 Hz to 45,000 Hz which means that it is effective even in short sessions.

The device emits its electromagnetic field which is equally distributed via coils printed on the circuit board of the therapeutic pad. The electromagnetic field is generated by a current from a square wave signal with intensity of 16v p-p which is divided by a 700kΩ resistor. The field intensity is no more than 80 nano Tesla (equal to 0.8 Milli-Gauss).

Unlike TENS devices which can cause annoying tingling and burning sensations where their suction cups are stuck to the skin, DCcure’s hypoallergenic therapeutic pad causes no burning or tingling sensations and does not require direct skin contact. Unlike many other devices, DCcure runs silently leading some to believe it’s not working properly. Rest assured that as long as the blue LED light at the top of the unit flashes when on, your DCcure is working properly.

People are thrilled with the results they achieve

If you know anything about professional athletes, you know that it is certain we come alone with pain and soreness most days. Being six feet tall left me with a hurt back almost 100% of the time. DCcure has completely changed that for me! Whether it be right after a hard sparring practice, after I get folded in half during grappling or even just on my hour car drive home, I am never without it. My entire family uses this so, it is not just for the athletes.

Megan Goodwin | Professional Fighter with Invicta FC



Zvi Kamil An Aerotel Cofounder invents portable pemf device

Your 1st PEMF Device Invented

The late Zvi Kamil, an Aerotel co-founder, invents the first completely portable PEMF therapeutic device. 

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